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EST™ App

Evaluator Steering Tool™ Application

The EST™ App allows evaluators to quickly and easily assess the amount of steering reduction needed for a person with a Variable Reduced Effort Steering system.



The EST™ App dramatically speeds up the time needed to evaluate the level of effort needed to assess a person with a disabilities ability to manipulate a steering wheel. If you are a driving evaluator you can see more clients. On the EST™ App, simply dial in the effort, press the set button, and the steering is immediately at the desired level. Not exactly what the client needs? No problem, change the dial, press set, and repeat until client is satisfied. The EST™ allows evaluators to assess level of reduction, in a 0-100% range, easily from the passenger seat in very little time.


  • Rapidly evaluate the client's needed effort.

  • Easily adjust 0-100% reduction and set it immediately.

  • Simple install.

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